Reptile Lighting Guide - ExoTerra

Sunlight arrives at the top of the earth's atmosphere at a power level of about one kilowatt per square meter. It is by this energy that all life-processes on earth are ultimately driven. Without the sun's constant energy input our planet would quickly radiate away its own energy in short order, making all life extinct. Light is referred to as electromagnetic radiation because the true nature of light is based on tiny electro-magnetic fields, called photons. These photons of light can have many different energy levels or wavelengths, which are expressed in nanometers (nm). The most familiar wavelengths are the visible ones. Every wavelength is represented by a different colour. For example, the Sun appears as yellow because its light is most powerful at the visible wavelength of yellow.

However, there are many other wavelengths beyond visible light. All of them together are
called the electromagnetic spectrum. At the most powerful end of the spectrum are the
gamma rays, followed by X-rays, then ultraviolet light, and then visible light which takes
up only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum and is sandwiched between ultraviolet and infrared light. Infrared light is familiar to us as heat. The spectrum continues
as microwaves and ends in radio waves, the least powerful photons. Of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, only ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared light are important to
us at this time.

Visible Light

Besides providing us (and reptiles) with light to see properly, the indication of daytime and night time (light and dark) is an important function. The visible light spectrum ranges from 390 to 700 nm. The light registered by the eye, and the colour of it, depends on the strength of each wavelength. The Colouring Rendering Index (CRI) expresses the ability of a light source to illuminate an object as compared to natural light, with natural sunlight having a CRI of 100. Nowadays, every artificial light source with a CRI above 95 is considered to be a full-spectrum light, since it is able to light-up an object as it would appear under natural light and thus receive a certain amount of any wavelength within the visible spectrum. Closely related is the colour temperature, expressed in Kelvin (K), to define the colour of the light emitted.

In describing colour temperatures, a low colour temperature corresponds to a warm or a red-yellow appearance like incandescent lamps, around 2500 Kelvin. Fluorescent lamps, operating at 4500 Kelvin or higher, emit a white-bluish light. In colour temperature, the higher the Kelvin temperature, the whiter and bluer the light.

The standard average temperature for daylight is about 5600K, although it can range from as low as 2000K at sunset, to more than 18000K in overcast or humid conditions. To obtain natural visible light conditions in the terrarium, it is important to choose a light source with the highest possible CRI and a colour temperature from around 6000K for optimal colours in animals and plants. Terrarium plants benefit from certain wavelengths within the visible light for photosynthesis. This is a process by which plants use the energy from light to produce sugar, the "fuel" used by all living things. The conversion of light into usable energy is associated with the green pigment Chlorophyll. A light source with a high output in the 400-450 nm range promotes plant growth and health.

Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet or UV light is a high energy portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, just beyond visible light.

The UV-spectrum is divided into three wavelength groups:

  • UVA - Long wave ultraviolet A, ranges from 320-400 nm and is of significant importance for reptiles.
  • UVB - Medium wave ultraviolet B, ranges from 290-320 nm and is the most important for reptile purposes.
  • UVC - Short wave ultraviolet C, ranges from 180-290 nm and is dangerous to all living organisms.

It has been demonstrated that UVA can influence agonistic, reproductive, and signalling behaviours in reptiles. As reptiles can see into the UVA range (320-400 nm) it will affect the way they see things. The colour of their food or their bodies will appear different in a reptile’s eye then the way we see it if exposed to UVA radiation. Signalling by exposing body parts (e.g. Anolis sp.) or changing colours (e.g. Chameleon sp.) is common in reptiles, these signals are perceived and also interpreted differently by reptiles if UVA radiation is absent. Failure to provide UVA to diurnal reptiles can cause stress by altering the reptile's perception of its surroundings and how it responds to it. This is crucial for breeding or keeping them around for the length of their natural life span.

UVB is generally defined as the wavelength band from 290-320 nm. In the wild, most reptiles synthesize their vitamin D3 from the UVB component of sunlight. Vitamin D3 is essential for the effective metabolism of dietary calcium in reptiles. UVB reacts with the precursor of vitamin D, 7-dehydrocholesterol, in the skin to produce provitamin D3. Depending on heat and the aid of a mechanism in the skin, provitamin D3 is converted into vitamin D3 itself. The liver and kidneys transform vitamin D3 into its active form, a hormone (1,25, hydroxy-vitamin D) that regulates calcium metabolism.

Carnivorous and omnivorous reptiles get a high proportion of their vitamin D3 requirement from their food. However, plants do not contain D3 (cholecalciferol), instead they contain D2 (ergocalciferol), which is far less efficient in calcium metabolism than D3. Herbivorous reptiles are therefore far more dependent upon the quantity and quality of artificial lighting than carnivorous specimens.

If inadequate vitamin D3 is available, the animal will rapidly develop the condition known as Metabolic Bone Disease. In this condition, bone density suffers and various other serious metabolic problems occur. Symptoms include swelling, lethargy, general weakness, tremors and softening of the shell in turtles and tortoises. Next to a UVB light source, adequate levels of calcium must be present in the diet or must be provided by means of dietary supplementation. Juvenile reptiles are most at risk, although adults too can be affected if maintained in a state of deficiency for a long enough period. Egg laying females are also at great risk, due to the extra demands in calcium necessary for egg production.

Infrared Light

The ectothermic nature of reptiles (being cold-blooded) emphasizes the importance of infrared radiation (heat) for thermoregulation. The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below or “infra” to red light and is not visible. It can, however, be perceived as heat by the skin. The sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. The best artificial source of heat for diurnal reptiles is through an overhead radiant source by means of incandescent light bulbs, all emitting high amounts of infrared light (+700 nm).

The Intensity

The earth’s climate is determined by the amount of solar radiation that strikes the surface. Factors like the sun’s position, the earth’s rotation, geographic location, the ozone layer, clouds, air-humidity, elevation, environment, etc. influence the intensity of light. Also within the microhabitat the light intensity of both visual and non-visual light varies, depending on the density of the vegetation or geological conditions. The amount of light falling on a surface is known as the illuminance and is measured in lumens per square meter or lux. The illuminance of direct sunlight is approximately 100,000 lux, but normal daylight, which is filtered through a cloudy sky, is between 5,000 and 10,000 lux, while moonlight can be as little as 0.25 lux.

Ultraviolet radiation is expressed in microwatt per square centimetre (mW/cm2) and varies tremendously from the poles (low) towards the equator (high). The amount of UVB radiation received on the equator on a clear day at noon lies around 270 mW/cm2. However, this high amount of radiation decreases as the day passes, in the same way that it had increased since sunrise, and taking into account that not all days are clear. In the wild, basking activities of most reptiles are limited to early morning and late afternoon. The rest of the day is spent in the shade, either in burrows, crevices or other shaded places or at various places in leafy bushes, shrubs or trees. In tropical forests, home to many types of reptiles and amphibians, only a little direct sun penetrates the forest canopy and underlying layers to reach the ground.

The UV radiation and light levels to which the reptiles are exposured can vary, depending on a variety of factors:


Forest and shrub areas provide more shade than plains and deserts. Dense forests have many gradients of UV radiation, with high levels in the forest canopy to very low UV-levels on the forest floor. Grasslands and savannahs provide the same gradients for smaller species, whereas larger species are more exposed. In deserts there is less protection from direct sunlight, and UV levels can even be amplified by reflection. Some mountainous regions have valleys, meaning that sunlight may only penetrate the habitat several hours after sunrise, considerably reducing the length of exposure to UV rays.

Activity Patterns:

Diurnal (active during daytime) animals receive higher levels of UV than nocturnal species for obvious reasons. But even diurnal reptiles do not spend all day in direct sunlight. Many species seek cover during the hottest time of the day to avoid overheating. Their basking periods are limited to morning hours and late afternoon. These activity cycles may change in reptiles from seasonal regions. Some nocturnal animals are exposed to UV radiation as their resting location receives sunlight and some even come out of their hiding spots to bask in the sun for thermoregulation purposes.

Time of Day:

The sun is at its highest in the sky around noon. At this time, the sun’s rays have the least distance to travel through the atmosphere and UVB levels are at their highest. In the early morning and late afternoon, the sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere at an angle and their intensity is greatly reduced.

Time of Year:

The sun’s angle varies with the seasons, causing the intensity of UV rays to change. UV intensity tends to be highest during the summer months. In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun shines directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Cancer on the first day of summer, at the equator on the first day of spring and autumn, and directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn on the first day of the winter.


The sun’s rays are strongest at the equator, where the sun is most directly overhead and UV rays must travel the least distance through the atmosphere. Also the ozone is naturally thinner in the tropics compared to mid- and highlatitudes, so there is less ozone to absorb the UV radiation as it passes through the atmosphere. At higher latitudes the sun is lower in the sky, so UV rays must travel a greater distance through ozone-rich portions of the atmosphere and, in turn, expose those latitudes to less UV radiation.


UV intensity increases with altitude because there is less atmosphere to absorb the sun rays.

Weather Conditions:

Clouds play a big role in the amount of UV radiation reaching the ground. On a cloudy day, depending on the shape and thickness of the clouds, they can absorb and reflect 35-85% of the sun’s radiant energy, and along with the other effects prevent all but a negligible amount of radiation from reaching the ground. Many reptiles seek the security of their burrows or hiding places during rain, stormy and overcast conditions.


Some surfaces, such as sand (12%), grass (10%) or water (5%) can reflect much of the UV radiation that reaches them. Because of this reflection, UV intensity can be deceptively high even in shaded areas.


The ozone layer absorbs some of the UV radiation that would otherwise reach the earth’s surface. Ozone levels vary over the year (even throughout the day) and from one geographical location to another.

Exo Terra Reptile Lighting

Without the sun’s energy, all life on earth would cease to exist. It is by the sun’s energy that all life forces are driven. Without it, our planet would quickly radiate away its own energy in short order, making all life extinct. Although light is much more complex, there are only three facets of light that are important for reptile husbandry: ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared light. In order to create these three biological aspects of sunlight artificially, Exo Terra has developed several specialized lights. Reptiles require appropriate and high quality lighting in order to meet certain different metabolic needs. As it is almost impossible to accommodate all of these needs in a single light source, a combination of different light sources is necessary in most cases. The table at right will help you in making the right lighting choice. Not all reptiles or terrarium animals need the same amount of UVB radiation: nocturnal versus daylight activity, geographical and climatological conditions (ex: rainforests versus deserts). The distance from the bulb to the animal is equally important.

A new standard of Reptile UVB!

Over the past few years, more and more research has been done on reptiles and their UV requirements. Exo Terra has been following the scientific community carefully so we could implement new discoveries into our product development process.

Unlike 10 years ago, when the knowledge of this subject was minimal, we now know the requirements of most species kept in captivity. In order to provide reptiles the best possible lighting solution Exo Terra has tweaked all spectrums and added several new bulbs based on recent research.

Our new UVB spectrums come with different, easier to understand names;

Reptile UVB 100 – tweaked spectrum, formerly Repti Glo 5.0
Reptile UVB 150 – tweaked spectrum, formerly Repti Glo 10.0
Reptile UVB 200 – brand new spectrum with a very high UVB output

The numbers 100, 150 & 200 refer to the average UVB output at 4" or 10 cm from the bulb. All our new UVB bulbs have been designed for maximum vitamin D3 photosynthesis, by concentrating the UVB output near the 294 nm within the UV output. At this wavelength vitamin D3 synthesis is most active!

Next to our fluorescent bulbs, we also extended and modified our all-in-one bulb offering:

Solar Glo – updated spectrum in the UVB range

Sunray – brand new innovation, the best and most complete reptile bulb yet!

A new rating system has been added to all packaging in order to determine what bulb is right for your animals. The rating system refers to a chart on the Exo Terra website or Exo Terra Lighting Guide where most common reptiles are listed in relation to their lighting requirements.

UVB Rating System

All-in-one bulbs

In nature, the sun produces ultraviolet, visual light and heat radiation all at once. The all-in-one bulbs from Exo Terra combine very high light output and heat radiation with optimal levels of UVA and UVB. These bulbs can be sed as a sole light source and are the most natural way to provide lighting and heating to your reptiles while including proper ultraviolet radiation for photosynthesis and physiological well-being.

Sunray - Metal Halide Bulb

  • Metal Halide Fixture with ballast and bulb
  • Stylish design
  • Easy to install and fully adjustable
  • Optimal levels of visible light, heat and UVA and UVB
  • Closely approximates natural sunlight
  • Contributes to the animal’s overall wellbeing
  • Intensifies natural coloration of reptiles
  • Can be safely used on smaller terrariums

The Exo Terra SunRay is an all-in-one bulb that combines very high light output and infrared heat radiation with optimal levels of UVA and UVB. The SunRay is available in lower wattages and can be safely used on smaller terrariums. The Exo Terra SunRay delivers a consistent spectrum, which closely approximates that of natural sunlight, contributing to the animal’s overall wellbeing. The combination of the correct UVB wavelength and heat enables the animal to produce it’s own vitamin D3 for proper calcium absorption and prevents metabolic diseases (e.g. MBD). The powerful light output and balanced UV rays stimulate appetite and breeding behavior, while improving the physiological health of reptiles. The aluminum facetted reflector produces an evenly distributed light beam. Aluminum dissipates heat very effectively, resulting in a longer lifespan and more stable operation than glass reflectors. The Exo Terra SunRay can be used as a sole light source. To obtain maximum results and safety the bulb should be used in conjunction with the Exo Terra SunRay Fixture.

Solar Glo - Sun Simulating Bulb

  • Stimulates appetite and breeding
  • Optimal levels of UVB, UVA, visual light and heat in one bulb!
  • Provides the benefits of natural sunlight
  • Helps prevent metabolic bone disease
  • Increased UVB penetration distance (+30 cm / 12”)

The Exo Terra Solar Glo is a selfballasted mercury vapor reptile lamp that provides the benefits of natural sunlight, which is one of the most important aspects in keeping reptiles healthy. The Exo Terra Solar Glo is the choice of professional breeders as it provides the proper balance of ultraviolet light (including UVA and UVB), visual light and infrared light (heat), in one easy-to-install bulb. The Exo Terra Solar Glo is a full spectrum light with carefully tuned peaks to ensure appetite, activity, brilliant colours, and optimal calcium absorption through Vitamin D3 production. The Exo Terra Solar Glo is a self-ballasted mercury vapour lamp, which fits into a standard ceramic socket (No ballast needed). The Exo Terra Solar Glo is available in two wattages: 125 W and 160 W.

UVB Fluorescent Bulbs

The most important feature of a fluorescent bulb is the ability to emit sufficient UVB light (ultraviolet B), a component of sunlight, whereas an incandescent lamp only emits very limited amounts of UVA light. It is impossible to accommodate a high visible light emission with a high ultraviolet (UV) output. The more visible light emitted, the less UV radiation and vice versa.

Exo Terra’s UVB fluorescent bulbs are classified according to their percentage of UVB output. For tropical and sub-tropical reptiles, Exo Terra Reptile UVB100 are perfectly adequate, provided they are correctly sited, changed regularly, and the number of hours of exposure is sufficient. 10-12 hours daily has proven a satisfactory exposure level for most species. Animals living in deserts, which are areas with high UVB levels, should be exposed to Exo Terra Reptile UVB150. We recommend the Reptile UVB200 when the distance from the bulb to the animal exceeds 30 cm (12”) or when the bulbs are placed above a dense ventilation screen.

Fluorescent bulbs do not provide sufficient heat. In addition, a separate heat source like a heat or basking bulb is required. It is recommended to combine a Reptile UVB bulb with a the proper visual light output for optimal results.

Reptile UVB100 - Tropical Terrarium Bulb

  • Ideal for all tropical and sub-tropical reptiles
  • Optimal levels of UVB
  • Effective up to 40 cm (15”)
  • Provides necessary UVB rays for optimal calcium metabolism
  • UVA rays stimulate appetite, activity and reproductive behavior
  • Combine with Natural Light or Reptile Vision for optimal visual light output

The Exo Terra Reptile UVB100 emits optimal levels of UVB, similar to that of shady environments such as rain forests or other tropical locations. Reptiles living in these habitats receive moderate UV radiation due to climatological conditions (fairly high humidity, changes in weather, etc) that prevent unfiltered sunlight from reaching the reptile’s basking site. The optimal Vitamin D3 yield index ensures vitamin D3 photosynthesis to aid calcium absorption and prevent metabolic diseases.

Reptile UVB150 - Desert Terrarium Bulb

  • Ideal for all desert dwelling reptiles
  • High UVB output
  • Very high D3 conversion
  • Effective up to 50 cm (20”)
  • Provides necessary UVB rays for optimal calcium metabolism
  • Recommended for terrariums with dense screen covers
  • Combine with Natural Light for optimal visual light output

The Exo Terra Reptile UVB150 has a very high UVB output similar to sunlight in deserts. These locations receive more direct sunlight, therefore desert reptiles are more exposed to UV radiation than any other type of reptile. This bulb can also be used on terrariums with denser screen covers to ensure sufficient UVB penetration. Dense screens can filter out up to 50% of the UVB rays. The high Vitamin D3 yield index ensures vitamin D3 photosynthesis to aid calcium absorption and prevent metabolic diseases.

Reptile UVB200 - High Output UVB Bulb

  • For reptiles with very high UV requirements
  • Helps prevent metabolic bone disease
  • Ideal for desert set-ups or taller terrariums
  • Very high D3 Yield Index
  • Increased Vitamin D3 photosynthesis
  • Maximizes calcium absorption
  • Enhanced UVB penetration distance
  • Combine with Natural Light or Reptile Vision for optimal visual light output

The Exo Terra Reptile UVB200 emits the ideal UVB spectrum for optimal Vitamin D3 photosynthesis. The Reptile UVB200 bulb is especially designed to simulate conditions for reptiles with very high UV requirements, like diurnal reptiles from desert environments. These areas receive direct unfiltered sunlight with high levels of UVB. The significantly high Vitamin D3 yield index results in increased vitamin D3 photosynthesis to aid calcium absorption and prevent metabolic diseases. The extended UVB penetration makes this bulb the ideal choice for taller terrariums or terrariums with denser screens.

Linear Fluorescent

The linear Reptile UVB bulbs have a higher output and divide energy more efficiently over wider terrariums. Exo Terra has a full range of seven sizes of each type, Natural Light, Reptile UVB100 and Reptile UVB150, in order to cater to any terrarium size. The longer sizes can even be placed on multiple terrariums.

To fit our range of fluorescent bulbs, both linear and compact, Exo Terra developed a complete line of terrarium tops and linear fluorescent bulb controllers. Almost all of these fluorescent fixtures have multiple fittings to enable a combination of different Reptile UVB bulbs in order to simulate any micro habitat suitable for a specific species.

Visual Light Bulbs

Visual light has a different meaning for various organisms! Ever since man created artificial light, the bulb characteristics were developed to suit human vision. Human eyes have three receptors for color vision. Most reptiles possess a fourth receptor, enabling them to perceive higher-wavelength UVA. As a consequence, reptiles experience a more truthful environment as they would in the natural world. This extended color perception is extremely important for their physiological wellbeing.

Plants on the other hand need again different wavelengths within the visual spectrum for proper growth as they photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is an essential process that enables plants to capture the sun’s energy. Light energy is transformed into sugars and starches. Photosynthesis in plants depends on Chlorophyll , a photosynthetic pigment that absorbs blue light with wavelengths of 430 nm and red light of 662 nm. Green light is not absorbed but reflected by chlorophyll, this is the reason why plants that contain chlorophyll have a green appearance.

Exo Terra has designed different bulbs with a spectrums geared towards the reptile eye, the human vision and for optimal plant growth. Fluorescent bulbs are up to six times efficient than incandescent bulbs in producing visual light since virtually no heat is produced, but its spectrum is limited to certain peaks in particular wavelengths. By changing the composition of the phosphors inside the bulb we are able to tweak those peaks. Once these peaks correspond to the spectral sensitivity of an organism, an ideal visual spectrum for that organism is created.

Reptile Vision - Reptile Visual Spectrum Bulb

  • Stimulates appetite and breeding
  • Improves the animal’s perception of its environment
  • Enhances natural behavior
  • Adapted for the 4-receptor eyes of reptiles

The reptile eye is more sensitive than the human eye to other wavelengths within the light spectrum. Previously, bulbs have been developed towards human vision. The spectrum of the Reptile Vision Lamp peaks in those wavelengths important to reptiles. As a result of the vivid wavelenghths of light provided by the Reptile Vision Lamp, reptiles will experience and perceive colors from their environment more naturally. The Exo Terra Reptile Vision Lamp will help to improve the living conditions and physiological wellbeing of your reptiles. Combine with Exo Terra’s Reptile UVB bulbs to create the perfect conditions for your reptiles.

Natural Light - Full Spectrum Daylight Bulb

  • Ideal daylight spectrum for all reptiles & amphibians
  • Stimulates appetite, activity and reproductive behaviour through UVA radiation
  • High Color Rendering Index (98 CRI)
  • High visual light output
  • 6700 K Color temperature
  • Stimulates plant growth
  • Recommended in combination with Reptile UVB100, UVB150 or UVB200, depending on the reptile’s UV requirements

The Exo Terra Natural Light is a full spectrum daylight lamp with a very high visual light output and high color rendering index (98 CRI). With its high visual light output and 6700 K Color temperature, the Natural Light Terrarium Lamp is recommended as general light source for all terrarium types. The high light output makes this bulb suitable for planted terrariums and it is ideal for animals with lower UV requirements, such as snakes, amphibians (frogs, toads and salamanders) and nocturnal animals. Combine this full spectrum daylight lamp with Exo Terra’s Reptile UVB100, UVB150 or UVB200, depending on the reptile’s UV requirements, to intensify natural sunlight conditions.

Natural Light ION - Deodorizing Bulb

  • Reduces odors
  • Purifies terrarium air
  • Neutralizes mold spores
  • Creates a healthy environment
  • New and innovative technology
  • High visual light output

The Exo Terra Natural Light ION creates a healthy environment for reptiles and amphibians in the terrarium while reducing odors drastically. The Exo Terra Natural Light ION is a general light source with built-in negative ion generator. Negative ions eliminate odors and help freshen and purify the air in the terrarium. Mold spores, fungi, dust, and other harmful airborne particles are eliminated and neutralized by clumping together. Negative ions also have been shown to be beneficial for the physiological wellbeing. High levels of negative ions are desirable and they are naturally found in places like along coastlines, in the mountains, in deserts, in forests, near rivers and waterfalls, and many other places with an abundance in reptiles and amphibians.

Heat and Basking Bulbs

Exo Terra’s heat and basking bulbs are designed to provide radiant heat and some amounts of visual light. These are incandescent bulbs and are the most common sources of terrarium lighting. Although incandescent bulbs are more suitable as a heat source than as a visual light source, they are the perfect form of complementary lighting as all reptiles need a form of heat radiation.

In some cases, incandescent lamps are sufficient as some terrarium animals do not need excessive visual light, for example night active reptiles, arachnids or some amphibians. Some snakes will do well when only these types of lamps are used, as they do not need ultraviolet radiation. Incandescent bulbs fail to produce ultraviolet radiation.

Most daylight bulbs and basking spots have a glass sleeve with mixed-in Neodymium, a rare earth metal that changes the visual spectrum of the bulbs, giving terrarium animals, decoration and plants a more natural appearance. All heat and basking bulbs are manufactured in coloured glass, thereby preventing the fading or cracking as seen in coated bulbs and it also increases heat radiation transfer.

Daytime Heat Bulb

  • Broad-spectrum daylight lamp for terrariums
  • Creates heat gradients for thermo-regulation
  • Increases ambient air temperature
  • Stimulates breeding behavior through UVA rays
  • Can be combined with Night Heat Bulb or Infrared Basking Spot to create a 24-hour cycle

A broad-spectrum daylight bulb with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum stimulates the photosynthesis of plants and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to the reptiles’ physiological well-being. Another important factor is that the heat emitted by this bulb increases the over all ambient temperature in the terrarium

Daylight Basking Bulb

  • Broad-spectrum daylight spot bulb for terrariums
  • Creates a basking area for thermoregulation
  • Increases ambient air temperature
  • Stimulates breeding behavior through UVA rays
  • Can be combined with Daytime Heat Bulb or Night Heat Bulb to create a 24-hour cycle

A broad-spectrum daylight spot bulb with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum stimulates the photosynthesis of plants and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to the reptiles’ physiological well-being. The tight beam can be directed precisely on a certain area to create a basking area.

Intense Basking Spot

  • 35% increase of light and heat in the beam
  • Creates a basking area for thermoregulation
  • Increases ambient air temperature
  • Stimulates breeding behavior through UVA rays
  • Can be combined with Night Heat Bulb or Infrared Basking Spot to create a 24-hour cycle

The Intense Basking Spot is a bulb that is specially designed to create a basking spot site. The tight beam can be directed precisely on a certain area to increase the temperature. The heat and light in the beam is increased by 35%, allowing greater distances between the bulb and the basking site. The UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to reptiles’ physiological well-being.

Night Heat Bulb

  • Moonlight Bulb
  • Simulates natural moonlight
  • Perfect for nocturnal viewing
  • Provides tropical night time temperatures
  • Stimulates breeding behavior in reptiles and amphibians
  • Can be combined with Daytime Heat Bulbs or Basking Spot to create a 24-hour cycle

The bulb simulates natural moonlight to allow nocturnal viewing without disturbing the animal’s day and night cycle. The light emitted is bluish due to the use of blue glass. The heat generated by the bulb is minimal but enough to provide tropical night time temperatures. The lower wattage of these bulbs does not interfere with natural night-time temperature drops.

Infrared Basking Spot

  • Increases the overall air temperature in the terrarium
  • Provides heat, essential for activity and digestion
  • Emits infrared heat waves • Excellent 24 hours radiant heat source
  • Will not disrupt normal activity cycle • Ideal for nocturnal viewing
  • Can be combined with Daytime Heat Bulb or Night Heat Bulb to create a 24-hour cycle

The Infrared Basking Spot emits infrared heat waves to provide animals with a deep penetrating radiant heat. The Infrared Basking Spot has a special built-in reflector to direct the heat in any direction required. The red glass transmits Infrared waves produced by the special filament way better than coated glass bulbs. The reddish light will not disrupt normal activity during night or day, which makes it an excellent 24 hour heat source.

Swamp Basking Spot

  • Splash- and mist-proof
  • Shatter-proof
  • For aquatic and humid terrariums
  • Enhances animal colouration

The Exo Terra Swamp Basking Spot is a splash and mist resistant basking spot bulb designed for use in aquatic or extremely humid terrarium set-ups, where high humidity or accidental water spillage could cause a regular incandescent bulb to burn out or shatter. The outer sleeve is made from extrastrong neodymium glass.

Halogen Basking Spot

  • Highly energy efficient broad-spectrum daylight bulb
  • Optimizes heat penetration through increased infrared levels
  • Enriches colouration through Neodymium
  • Stimulates breeding behaviour and physiological well-being through UVA rays
  • Can be combined with Night Heat Bulb or Intense Basking Spot to create a 24-hour cycle

Halogen bulbs are actually an advanced variation of incandescent bulb technology. One of the major factors that shorten an incandescent bulb’s lifespan is the evaporation of the tungsten within the bulb. By adding a trace amount of a halogen gas (methyl bromide) inside the bulb, a chemical reaction removes the tungsten from the wall of the glass and deposits it back onto the filament, extending the life of the bulb. The higher temperatures of halogen lighting contribute to a whiter light, a higher light output and a greater efficiency.

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