
Achieve lush and vibrant aquatic plants with our plant fertilizers. Our collection includes a variety of formulations to cater to the specific needs of your plant species, resulting in a stunning underwater garden.

We prioritize the quality and effectiveness of our plant fertilizers. They are sourced and tested to meet the highest standards, providing you with reliable and efficient tools for promoting healthy plant growth.

Thriving aquatic plants not only enhance the aesthetics of your tank but also contribute to the well-being of your fish. Plant fertilizers support a balanced and harmonious aquarium environment.

This modified Estimative Index formula is specifically calibrarated for nutrient-hungry 'Dutch Style' tanks.

From: $48.40 – $68.50

All-In-One Fertiliser.
Richer Colors, Less Algae. Faster Results.
100% comprehensive formula of macro, micro and trace nutrients.

From: $48.40 – $68.50

Seachem Flourish is a comprehensive liquid supplement designed to promote healthy plant growth and a thriving underwater environment in your freshwater aquarium.
This concentrated formula provides…

From: $9.15 – $152.85

Seachem Flourish Advance is an all-natural, plant-based growth enhancer designed to dramatically stimulate the growth of both roots and shoots in freshwater aquariums.
This innovative formula utilizes…

From: $25.10 – $36.30

Designed to be inserted in the gravel of a freshwater planted aquarium, replace every 3-4 months. 


Seachem Flourish Excel is a versatile liquid carbon source designed for planted freshwater aquariums.
It provides a readily available source of organic carbon, which can be utilized by aquatic plants…

From: $12.95 – $152.70

A lean and powerful blend of macro, micro and trace elements.
Zero nitrates and phosphates.

From: $48.40 – $68.50

Seachem Flourish Nitrogen is a concentrated nitrogen source designed to address nitrogen deficiencies in freshwater planted aquariums.
It provides nitrogen in both nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4…

From: $19.65 – $31.70

Seachem Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated iron supplement specifically formulated to address iron deficiencies in freshwater aquariums planted with low-light or non-CO2 injected setups.

From: $13.55 – $158.90

Seachem Flourish Potassium is a concentrated potassium supplement designed to prevent potassium deficiency in freshwater planted aquariums.

From: $19.80 – $29.95

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