Gravel Substrate & Soil

In our Gravel Substrate and Soil category, you'll find a thoughtfully curated selection of products designed to create the ideal base for your aquatic ecosystem. From fine gravels and substrates to nutrient-rich aquatic soils, our range offers options for various tank setups, each serving as the bedrock for your aquatic vision. We know that your aquarium, whether you have a lush planted tank, a cichlid setup, or a peaceful community tank, has unique needs. Our collection includes substrates tailored to specific aquatic environments, ensuring that your aquatic plants and fish receive the foundation they require to thrive.

From: $27.95 – $79.95
From: $29.00 – $54.45
From: $24.95 – $79.95
From: $14.95 – $65.00
From: $14.95 – $65.00
From: $14.95 – $65.00
From: $23.95 – $69.95
From: $29.00 – $54.45
From: $23.95 – $69.95
From: $37.30 – $76.90

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