AquaLabs Brine Shrimp Eggs Artemia Cysts 25g
AquaLabs Brine Shrimp Eggs (artemia cysts) are a nutritious live food ideal for feeding small fish and raising fry.
Packed with protein, they're widely considered the best choice for promoting healthy growth in young fish.
AquaLabs Brine Shrimp Eggs, also called artemia cysts, are a nutritious live food ideal for feeding small fish and newborn fry (baby fish). Packed with protein, they're considered the best choice for raising healthy fry.
Just remember, these eggs need to be hatched into brine shrimp before feeding them to your fish. Consumption of the egg shell can be harmful to smaller fish.
- Prepare a salt water solution in a seperate container. This salt water solution should be approximately 25g of salt to 1 litre of water.
- Pour salt water solution into desired hatching container.
- Add brine shrimp eggs to the salt water solution. Quantity needed will depend on number of fish that are being fed.
- Aerate the brine shrimp egg and salt water solution via an air pump.
- Leave for 24 - 48 hours.
- Harvest freshly hatched brine shrimp
Please Note:
- Brine shrimp are tolerant to a wide range of salinity. Small discrepancies in salt content will not vastly effect results
- Do not use iodised salt. Standard cooking salt is suitable.
- Brine shrimp eggs should be stored below 5 °C. Lower temperatures will maintain the hatch rate of the eggs for longer periods.
- Keep in a sealed container, free from moisture
- There are many different variations on how to hatch baby brine shrimp. Lighting and heat sources can be added to optimise results, but this is generally not necessary.
Key Features:
- 95% Hatch rate
- High Protein Content
- Boosts Growth and Colour